
Honest craft, bohemian style and timeless design … You will find all in one place – in the shop of original furniture and accessories PanSlavista. Our company was founded by designer and engineer Dusan Poliaček who long saught after interior pieces that would accurately and without reservation coincide with his ideas.

The PanSlavista production takes a much different route than the commercial one, and that is why it is so special. We prefer small scale local production, natural materials and centuries of proven traditional technologies. The work into which we put not only skilled hands,

but also the heart and passion, you can enjoy in the form of innovative and beautiful things with a soul. We love the old and classic products, we try to bring them back life and return them into everyday use. We create whatever comes to our minds, whether it’s kitchen accessories, elegant furnishings or even imaginatively conceived pieces to the bathroom. We are particularly proud of our renewed baroque porcelain, which became a perfect synonym for our bohemian route.

Now there is no choice but to be carried away on a wave of our energetic, beloved work. Enjoy!

Team PanSlavista

Dušan Poliaček

He is the founder and senior designer at Panslavista.

Lada Banetková

Lada acts as a project manager at PanSlavista. She communicates with customers and ensures that the company is running smoothly.

Alexandra Abelová

Her works include strategies for investment and development company.

Vít Fendrych

At PanSlavista he acts as designer and participates in the project management of technical issues.


Oskar Smalinski

A novice designer at PanSlavista involved in the creation of new projects. He intensively cooperates in assembling and technical aspects of our lamps.


Tomáš Saller

Tomáš is responsible for assembling fixtures and technical issues. For his diploma work he chose the theme “production optimization”, in which he is engaged in connenction with the production at PanSlavista.


The Designers